Offline wallet generator

This page generates Monero, Aeon or Townforge wallet. It is self contained and does all the necessary calculations locally, so is suitable for generating a new wallet on a machine that is not connected to the network, and may even never be (see Usage).
This way, you can create a wallet without risking the keys.
This file is GPG signed, see GPG instructions.

Note: It is strongly advised to generate your wallet offline.

1. Choose a cryptocurrency

I'm creating a wallet for

2. Generate wallet

In which language would you like your Mnemonic seed to be displayed?

You are almost done! Now you have two options:
  • Generate wallet: Just click on the button to create your wallet. you have also the possibility to add custom entropy (regular users can ignore it)
  • Generate wallet with prefix: Same as using the "Generate wallet" option, but you can generate a custom primary address.

Custom entropy for deterministic wallet (leave empty to use the browser's PRNG)


(Very slow for more than a few characters. The address must start with 4)

3. Save generated wallet

Below are the details of your generated wallet. Make sure to note down at least the mnemonic seed to maintain access to the wallet. A QR code pointing to your wallet's address is also generated.

Public address

This is the address you give to third parties to send coins to you. It can be safely shared publicly.
